Unlock the power of skills

The skills data platform to unify your work & learning communities
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  • 35,000+

    Unique skills in our library

  • 37,000+

    Job profile templates

  • 800+

    Core skill sets

Software Developer job skill profile on SkillsEngine

Your skills, your way

SkillsEngine is a flexible tool suite capable of supporting skills management and collaboration across a broad community of workforce and learning interests. Explore the ways SkillsEngine can deliver value for you:

  • Employers & Industry

    Enhance recruitment precision and develop your workforce with detailed skills profiles and labor insights.

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  • Educators

    Empower your curriculum with real-world skills alignment, ensuring your graduates are ready to meet industry demands.

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  • Government Agencies

    Drive effective workforce development with data-driven insights and tools for policy making and program implementation.

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  • Credential Providers & Standards Associations

    Refine and validate your credentials with up-to-date, industry-aligned skills data to maintain relevance and authority.

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  • Coaches

    Guide clients towards successful careers with targeted skill insights and personalized development strategies.

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  • Recruiters

    Streamline your recruitment processes with precise skills matching and improved job-fit accuracy for candidates.

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  • Job Seekers

    Navigate your career path successfully with tools for articulating your skills so you can better align with market needs.

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  • Students

    Bridge the gap between academia and industry by understanding and articulating the skills you gain through your education.

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Ready to build with skills?

Unify insight and understanding across your work and learning communities with SkillsEngine tools, templates, and data.

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Measure what matters

Go beyond status quo labor market solutions and gain a deeper understanding of your workforce and learning community

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Discover Skills

Connect your community

Unify diverse workforce and education interests through better data and cross-sector communication

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Build a Profile

Align outcomes& understanding

Understand the skills you have and the skills you need to succeed in work and education

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Tools to master your skills

SkillsEngine provides everything you need to build, manage, validate, and share skill profiles for jobs, curriculum, credentials and individuals.
Explore use cases & solutions

  • Translate text to skills

    Convert job posts, resumes, curriculum, and more into rich skills profiles using our AI-driven translation tool.

  • Search & browse the library

    Explore SkillsEngine’s expertly curated library of profiles, skill sets, and skills.

  • Build & customize profiles

    Create rich and rigorous data profiles representing required skills for jobs, curriculum, credentials, and individuals.

  • Start with template profiles & skill sets

    Use SkillsEngine’s template profiles and skill sets as a starting point for building your own profiles.

  • Share & collaborate

    Share and co-edit profiles with partners, collaborators, and subject matter experts.

  • Feedback & validate

    Survey subject matter experts to get feedback and validation of skill requirements at scale.

  • Community insights

    Receive skill suggestions based on insights gleaned from the full community of users and from ongoing expert curation of the SkillsEngine library.

  • Showcase your profiles

    Publicly share the profiles you create by adding them to your Showcase page.

Skills like never before

Go beyond status quo labor market solutions to build, collaborate, and accelerate using rich skills data and community driven insights.

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Explore Skills

What they're saying
about SkillsEngine

Testimonials from SkillsEngine customers and community members.
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From IT to any high-demand field, there is no better way to access the skills intelligence you need than by going directly to the source. SkillsEngine ensures that you can learn firsthand what's happening in the field, how the job and its tasks are developing, and use this intelligence to inform your own goals.

Carl Bowman,
Senior VP of Exam Services

Even in its beta stage, SkillsEngine’s technology is much better than anything I’ve utilized to date. The team at SkillsEngine has been open to feedback, suggestions, and increasing the visual components of the technology. I login on a regular basis, and am excited to continue expanding our use of this impactful technology.

Tiffany Gallegos Whitley,
Senior Director of Workforce & Talent
The Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce

For nearly a decade, we’ve leveraged SkillsEngine’s technology to align our curriculum to in-state employer needs. As TSTC transitions to a mastery-driven learning model, SkillsEngine provides the timely insights and actionable intelligence we need to effectively build our curriculum. From skills alignment, to categorization, and prioritization, having one robust platform to build from has been an invaluable resource, helping us meet - and accelerate - the time to achieve our goals.

Katie Robinson
Associate VP of Student Learning

Plans & pricing tailored for you

Begin with SkillsEngine at no cost, and explore our upgrade options. Whether you're an individual or a part of an organization, our tailored Pro, Team, and Enterprise plans are designed to scale with your needs.

🚨 Limited-time early adopter pricing

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Partnership Opportunities
Learn about opportunities to become a channel partner, early API adopter, or community member. Learn More →


Frequently asked questions about the SkillsEngine platform. See all FAQs.

What is SkillsEngine?

SkillsEngine is a commercial technology venture backed by TSTC building systems and applications to advance the state of skills management and validation technology.

How do I create an account?

Anyone can sign up for a limited free account. All you need is an email and a password to get started. For access to advanced features, storage and data you can upgrade to a Pro, Team or Enterprise organization.

👉 Sign up here

What are SkillsEngine's pricing options?

We offer three options for paid upgrades: Pro, Team and Enterprise. Each is tailored to suit the needs of different organization types. You can upgrade by logging into your free account and clicking the "Request Upgrade" CTA in the navigation menu.

Make skills work for you

Get started for FREE today and harness the power of skills data to unify your work and learning communities.

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